Właśnie dotarła do mnie po około 2,5 ms książka Bashara (BASHAR: BLUEPRINT FOR CHANGE), nie wiem ale od razu otworzyłem rozdział "FOLLOW YOUR EXCITEMENT", bo jakoś tak mnie zinteresowało i muszę powiedzieć, że to co czytam jest po prostu niesamowite!!! Wątek zacząłem ponieważ chciałem się podzielić fragmentem o pewnym mechanizmie, który nie do końca zrozumiałem i myślę, że może być bardzo ciekawy i przydatny. Postaram się go w całości przytoczyć, w języku angielskim oczywiście i już jestem bardzo ciekawy waszych przemyśleń...
A więc do dzieła...
"Again, the idea is to act upon your imagination. Here is a very simple mechanism: all of you - this will work for anything and everything. Very simple. Your imagination is the template, the blueprint. If you conjure up in your imagination an image, a vision of how you prefer to be, then take whatever situation is going on in your life, hand it to the you you have conjured up who is representative of excidet person you would prefer to be, and watch the you in your imagination handles the situation you have given to it.
Then copy it. You will get the effect that it gets in in its excidet state of handling all things in that excided way. That's what your imagination isfor: to copy. It gives you the picture, the blueprint, the path, the methodology, the ritual, whatever will work best for you. Create an image and mimic the image. Then you will be that person, and you will have thatlife style automatically.
That's what a child does. It sees and it becomes; it sees and it becomes. It does not question whether what it is valid. A child knows it within integrity, so it doesn't have to stop to question it. It sees and it becomes; it expands and it grows. You can do that; you can play. It is up to you."