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(źródło :
http://www.powerlawofattraction.com/for ... 7#msg84897btw świetne historie tam można wyczytać, oto jedna z nich
Hey everyone!
I feel like spreading some positive energy today! Even though J and I are not together at the moment, attracting him in the first place is a tremendous success for which I am so, so grateful! Here is how it happened!
When my sister first met the man who would become her fiance online, I told her that online dating wasn't for me, and that I would rather meet someone maybe at work. We wouldn't really like each other at first, and we would argue a lot. But over time, we would fall for each other. I told my sister this plan, but then forgot about it.
Eventually, I went away to University and met a guy that I instantly was attracted to. He seemed to be interested in me, but we didn't talk very much, and I became a little obsessive about him. I spent the entire next summer thinking about him, and wishing we would be together in the next school year.
I went on vacation with my family, and we saw a fireworks show, during which the narrator said that sometimes wishes are granted in the most unexpected way possible. I thought, maybe this guy isn't the one for me, and that someone else was on his way. That night, I wished with all my strength and thought, "Please, please, send me the love of my life!" I still remember the overwhelming feeling in my chest that I had while making that wish!
Less than a month later, I went back to University and started my job at the library again. My first day back, a guy that I had never met before introduced himself and asked if it was my first day. I was a little annoyed, because I had worked there the entire previous school year, and we had never talked before. Over the next couple weeks, I noticed that he always seemed to want to talk to me, and he would always work right next to me.
I was not instantly attracted to him, and we fought -- a LOT. (Just like the situation I described to my sister!) But it was lighthearted, and I found myself rushing to work every day to fight with him. Seeing him became the highlight of my day! I was on the bus going back to my apartment, when I thought, I am falling for this guy!
The more I found out about him, the more I liked him. He was older than me, a graduate student, published author, marathon runner, had an amazing sense of humor, seemed at ease with everyone. He is my idea of perfection. Still, I thought maybe he just liked me as a friend, and we hung out a couple times.
Then, we confessed our attraction for each other! I remember one day during work, I said (jokingly), "You have been so mean all day!" And he replied, "No, I've been hard-core flirting with you all day!"
We spent five amazing months together, during which both of us knew we were each others' soul mates. Every moment was perfect, we never fought seriously, and I just fell in love with him so easily. It was the easiest thing I have ever done! I told my roommate that it felt as though I've known him my entire life, and she said "A lot of people say it feels that way, when they meet the One!" And I knew in that moment, he was the one for me. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him. It wasn't some grand epiphany, it was just a place of knowing, and I was extremely content with and satisfied by it.
I have never loved anything or anyone more than I love J, and I am so grateful to him for everything he has done for me and for all the moments we had together! I am so, so happy he came into my life!!